Price list

We offer all those interested in our services an introductory one-hour meeting free of charge.

AccountingNon VATVAT payer
Monthly flat rate for accounting processing (up to 10 documents per month)from EUR 120from EUR 150
Monthly flat rate for accounting processing (up to 30 documents per month)from EUR 190from EUR 220
Monthly flat rate for accounting processing (up to 50 documents per month)from EUR 260From EUR 290
Monthly flat rate for accounting processing (over 50 documents per month)from EUR 600from EUR 700
Financial Statements (+ Corporate income tax return)2x flat rate
Accounting journal entryEUR 1.9
Payroll services
Payroll processing and human resources monthly flat rateEUR 80
Processing 1 salaryEUR 20
Other taskshourly rates
Tax returns within accounting
Registration / change / cancellation at the Tax Officehourly rates
Personal income tax (income only from the Czech Republic)from EUR 400
Personal income tax (income from abroad)from EUR 600
Corporate income taxfrom EUR 1,000
Real estate taxfrom EUR 150
Other taxeshourly rates
Tax returns without bookkeeping
Legal personfrom EUR 600
Individualfrom EUR 400
Hourly rates
PartnerEUR 225
ManagerEUR 150
SeniorEUR 100
JuniorEUR 75
Corporate Secretariat
Maintenance data box (monthly)EUR 75/monthly base fee

Prices do not include VAT.